Foreign Debt Soars to $128.7 Billion in Q1: What’s Next for the Economy?

Manila, Philippines – June 17, 2024

The Philippines’ foreign debt has soared to a new peak of $128.69 billion in the first quarter of 2024, marking an 8.3% increase from the same period last year, according to data released by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP). This surge reflects heightened borrowing activities by both private sector banks and the national government from offshore creditors.

Key Developments

  • Private Sector Impact: Private sector banks drove the debt increase with net availments of $2.1 billion, primarily for general corporate expenditures, refinancing of borrowings, and liquidity needs.
  • Government Borrowing: The national government also contributed with net availments of $331 million, funding various projects including enhancements to the tax system and initiatives to promote digital technology adoption.
  • Investor Sentiment: Positive investor sentiment boosted investments in Philippine debt securities by non-residents, increasing by $1.2 billion.
  • Currency Effects: Despite the rise, a negative foreign exchange revaluation of $927 million on borrowings denominated in other currencies, influenced by the recent US dollar appreciation, moderated the overall debt growth.

Economic Implications

Economists are divided over the implications of the increased foreign debt. Some view it as essential for financing critical infrastructure and economic development projects, while others express concerns about its long-term sustainability and impact on fiscal stability.

Government Response and Future Outlook

Finance Secretary Carlos Dominguez has defended the borrowing strategy, emphasizing its role in supporting economic growth. “These funds are crucial for advancing our infrastructure agenda and fostering a conducive environment for digital innovation,” Dominguez stated. The government remains committed to prudent fiscal management and ensuring that borrowed funds are utilized efficiently.

Public and Expert Reaction

Public reaction has been mixed, with citizens expressing both optimism about potential economic benefits and apprehension regarding the country’s debt burden. Economists stress the importance of transparency in fund utilization and effective debt management to mitigate risks.

Looking Forward

As the Philippines navigates through economic recovery and development, attention will remain focused on how effectively the borrowed funds are deployed to stimulate sustainable growth. Continued monitoring and strategic planning will be essential to maintain economic resilience amid global uncertainties.


The record foreign debt level underscores the Philippines’ ambitious growth agenda and the challenges associated with financing it. The coming months will be critical in determining the balance between leveraging external borrowing for development and safeguarding the country’s fiscal health.

Stay informed for further updates on this evolving economic situation and its implications for the nation’s future.

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