India Repatriates Bodies of 45 Workers from Kuwait: A Nation Mourns

New Delhi, June 14, 2024 — An atmosphere of profound sorrow enveloped Indira Gandhi International Airport today as India welcomed back the bodies of 45 migrant workers who tragically lost their lives in a devastating fire at a residential building in Mangaf city, Kuwait. The Indian Air Force conducted a solemn mission to repatriate the deceased, whose remains were received with utmost respect and reverence.

The fire, which erupted on Wednesday, claimed a total of 50 lives, with 45 victims hailing from India and three from the Philippines. Kuwaiti authorities continue their efforts to identify the remaining two victims. The tragedy has left dozens more injured, underscoring the perilous conditions faced by migrant workers, who constitute a significant portion of Kuwait’s workforce, particularly in construction and domestic sectors.

Indian Minister Kirti Vardhan Singh, who visited Kuwait following the incident, confirmed that DNA tests were conducted to ascertain the identities of the victims. “This is a heartbreaking moment for our nation,” Singh lamented, highlighting the diverse origins of the deceased workers, spanning from Kerala to Haryana.

Upon arrival in India, the bodies of workers from southern states were first received in Kerala’s Kochi city, where Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan and local authorities paid homage to the departed souls. The remains were then transported to New Delhi, where grieving families and government officials awaited to honor their memory.

“This is a huge tragedy for our country. Kerala’s migrant workers are the lifeblood of our state. The fire in Kuwait is one of the biggest tragedies to affect our community,” Chief Minister Vijayan expressed, reflecting the sentiment of mourning shared across the nation.

In response to the catastrophe, both state and federal governments have announced compensation for the families of the deceased, aiming to provide financial support and solace during this period of immense grief.


  • New Delhi, June 14, 2024, 14:00 IST: The Ministry of External Affairs continues to coordinate with Kuwaiti authorities to ensure the well-being of Indian workers in the aftermath of the fire. Efforts are underway to strengthen safety protocols and improve living conditions for migrant laborers abroad.
  • Kuwait City, June 14, 2024, 15:00 GMT: Human rights groups renew calls for enhanced protections for migrant workers, urging comprehensive reforms to safeguard their rights and improve working conditions.
  • Mangaf, Kuwait, June 14, 2024, 16:00 GMT: Local investigations into the fire are ongoing, with authorities focusing on determining the cause of the tragedy and implementing measures to prevent similar incidents in the future.
  • Kerala, June 14, 2024, 17:00 IST: Community organizations and NGOs mobilize relief efforts to support affected families, offering counseling services and financial assistance to those in need.

As the nation grieves this immense loss, there is a collective call for greater vigilance and accountability to ensure the safety and well-being of Indian migrant workers across borders. The tragedy serves as a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made by these individuals in pursuit of better opportunities, urging both national and international communities to prioritize their protection and welfare.


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