Villar Urges Probe into Alleged Politicization of Agricultural Database Handling

Senator Cynthia Villar raised concerns during a Senate hearing regarding the management of the Registry System for Basic Sectors in Agriculture (RSBSA), highlighting potential politicization in the listing of beneficiaries. Villar expressed apprehension over reports suggesting that local agriculturists, rather than the Department of Agriculture (DA), are tasked with compiling the RSBSA beneficiary list.

“There are rumors that local agriculturists from local governments are compiling lists that include their political leaders instead of farmers who own 2 hectares and below,” Villar remarked, urging an investigation into the matter. She emphasized the need for transparency and accuracy in identifying beneficiaries to ensure that government resources are properly allocated.

Villar cited concerns that the current approach may politicize the RSBSA, prompting suggestions to transfer responsibility for the database from local governments to the national level under the DA’s oversight. This proposal has gained support, including from Senate leadership, who share concerns over potential mismanagement and the allocation of resources based on flawed data.

The RSBSA plays a crucial role as a repository of information on individual farmers and fishermen nationwide. It serves as a foundation for designing agricultural policies and programs, guiding the distribution of government services aimed at supporting the agricultural sector’s development.

Addressing officials from the Department of Agriculture directly, Villar stressed the urgency of verifying and correcting any inaccuracies in the database, emphasizing the financial implications of relying on flawed data for policy decisions.

The issue underscores ongoing efforts to enhance the transparency and efficiency of agricultural data management, crucial for sustaining growth and addressing challenges within the sector.

As discussions continue, stakeholders anticipate further developments in ensuring the integrity and impartiality of the RSBSA, vital for effective governance and equitable resource distribution in Philippine agriculture.

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