VP Sara Under Fire: Brosas Demands Answers on DepEd Budget Use

MANILA, Philippines — Vice President Sara Duterte is facing mounting pressure to explain the use of the Department of Education (DepEd) budget, with Representative Arlene Brosas demanding a thorough accounting amid concerns over the country’s educational performance.

Brosas highlighted the urgency of Duterte’s presence in the upcoming national budget deliberations, pointing out that the Philippines recently ranked among the lowest in creative thinking in the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) test. “VP Sara Duterte is not off the hook yet with the approaching national budget deliberations. We need to scrutinize the poor performance of the Department of Education and the worsening education crisis under her tenure,” Brosas said in a statement.

This controversy arises from discrepancies and vague justifications in DepEd’s financial reports, flagged during recent budget hearings. Critics have expressed concerns over several large, unexplained expenditures, raising suspicions of potential mismanagement or misuse of funds.

In response to these accusations, Vice President Duterte, who also serves as the Secretary of Education, asserted that all budget allocations and expenditures have been conducted according to government regulations. “We have followed all protocols and guidelines in the disbursement of the DepEd budget. I am confident that our financial records will withstand any scrutiny,” Duterte stated in a recent press release.

Despite these assurances, Brosas and other lawmakers are pushing for a comprehensive investigation. They argue that the public deserves a full accounting of the budget to ensure it is used effectively to address the pressing needs of the education sector, including infrastructure improvements, teacher training, and student resources.

Education advocates and civic groups have joined the call for greater transparency, organizing petitions and rallies to support the demand for a detailed audit of the DepEd budget. “Our children’s future depends on how well we manage and utilize our education resources. We cannot afford to be complacent,” said one advocacy group leader during a recent protest.

As the debate continues, the pressure is mounting on Vice President Duterte to provide a comprehensive and transparent report on the DepEd budget, underscoring the need for accountability in public service and the crucial importance of investing in the country’s education system.

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