
Philippines’ online freedom has decreased, according to a report

Philippines’ online freedom has decreased, according to a report

Philippines' MANILA According to the most recent Freedom of the Net report from Washington-based non-profit Freedom House, internet freedom in the Philippines has significantly decreased over the past year as a result of the Duterte and Marcos administrations imposing new restrictions on online spaces. The Philippines' score in the index decreased from 65 out of 100 last year to 61 this year, being labeled as "partly free." "Just before leaving office, the Duterte administration blacklisted 27 websites, including online news sites. After the election, the online information environment is still replete with misinformation, and President Marcos Jr.'s SIM card registration…
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‘Anti-state’ posts were deleted by social media companies in Vietnam, according to state media

‘Anti-state’ posts were deleted by social media companies in Vietnam, according to state media

Vietnam's HANOI According to official media, the communist government of Vietnam requested that almost 800 "anti-state" or "false" posts be taken down over the course of a month on Facebook, TikTok, and YouTube. The state-run Thanh Nien daily said, citing the Ministry of Information and Communications (MIC), that between mid-August and mid-September, some 380 YouTube videos, 364 Facebook posts, and 33 TikTok links were removed or restricted. The study also stated that some of the posts had "false and negative…content against the party, state, organizations, and individuals…defaming leaders." No opposition to one-party rule is tolerated in communist Vietnam, and the…
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Traffickers in fake iPhones who committed a $6.1 million fraud at Apple Stores will spend time in prison.

Traffickers in fake iPhones who committed a $6.1 million fraud at Apple Stores will spend time in prison.

Apple's Genius Bar often makes it very simple to repair a broken iPhone under your AppleCare plan, but a pair of (criminally) industrious siblings discovered a method to game the system by exchanging fake handsets for genuine ones. Sadly, they were discovered in 2019 while attempting to trade 10,000 bogus Apple devices over the period of eight years, and this week, according to the Times of San Diego, they were sentenced to federal jail. Zhimin and Zhiting Liao, who live in San Diego and go by the names Jimmy and Allen Liao, made over $6.1 million from selling genuine Apple…
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CICC will begin issuing advice in response to poorly performing consumer apps

CICC will begin issuing advice in response to poorly performing consumer apps

Scam Watch Pilipinas applauds CICC's proactive approach to tracking app usage to improve the digital experience for Filipinos. As part of its initiative to safeguard consumers, the Cybercrime Investigation and Coordinating Center (CICC) is now using the Consumer Application Monitoring System, or CAMS, to monitor consumer applications and notify the public of any observed performance concerns. Less than two weeks prior to the first advisory being released, this was formally started. On September 26, 2023, CAMS alerted CICC about persistent failed efforts to send video and file transfers on the Viber platform, demonstrating the efficiency of CAMS in real-time monitoring…
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Did you see that? A new Facebook logo with more blue is available.

Did you see that? A new Facebook logo with more blue is available.

The biggest social networking platform in the world, Facebook, has revealed a new logo and changed the hue of its primary color to a new shade of blue. On September 20, 2023, a Thursday, the modifications became official. Facebook Sans, a distinctive typeface utilized throughout the network, is the font used in the new logo. The logo's design attempts to increase coherence, intelligibility, and a sense of progress. The new color scheme includes a core blue with the hexadecimal value of #316FF6, which is now Facebook's main brand color. In order to improve accessibility and preserve the connection between Facebook…
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Power cuts are plaguing southern Africa with renewable energy

Power cuts are plaguing southern Africa with renewable energy

Simply sit, stand or lie in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Take in a deep breath, inhaling slowly and all the way into your belly. Hold your breath for a moment, then exhale slowly. Repeat for however long you like. Short or long, meditation has the power to change your mood, your day, and even your life. If you’ve never tried a short meditation, why not do it today? You might be amazed at what happens. Several people on Twitter and other theatre kid-dominated social media platforms have responded to these offensive, misguided reviews of The Lightning Thief by demanding…
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