Breaking Stereotypes: Gal Gadot and Yaron Varsano’s Alternative Child-Rearing Methods Revealed

One of the most discreet celebrity couples in Hollywood is Gal Gadot and Yaron Varsano. The Wonder Woman actress and real estate entrepreneur generally keep information on their parenting styles and family dynamics private, despite the fact that they periodically provide peeks of their family life on social media.

But over time, several fascinating details about the couple’s distinctive parenting style for their three daughters—Alisa, Maya, and Daniella—have surfaced in interviews and profile articles. It’s evident that Gadot and Varsano have chosen to take the less-traveled route when it comes to raising their children, rejecting many of the conventions picked up by their successful colleagues in favour of a more alternative, open-minded mindset. This includes encouraging independence at a young age and setting limits on screen time.

Unconventional approaches to raising children are inevitably met with criticism, and Gadot and Varsano have certainly had their share of raised eyebrows regarding some of their more contentious decisions. However, the couple appears determined to follow their own way and disregard the advice of others. Gadot stated to Vogue in 2020 that she and Aaron have been parenting for some time. Although we’re not flawless, we strive to be the best.

What precisely is the unconventional parenting style of Yaron Varsano and Gal Gadot? Let’s examine some of the main ways they defy expectations for raising their daughters in more detail.

Encouraging Early Self-Sufficiency

Many famous parents try to shield their kids from the outer world for as long as possible by keeping them in literal bubble wrap. Gadot and Varsano, on the other hand, have a very opposite stance, thinking that children should learn self-reliance and independence at a young age.

Gadot disclosed that six-year-old Alma had recently taken a solo flight from Los Angeles to Tel Aviv in an interview with Lifestyle Asia from 2020. Gadot stated, “She travelled with her aunt, but Alma was in charge of her passport and luggage.” “She handled everything on her own.”

It goes against the grain to allow a young child to travel worldwide without parental supervision. However, Gadot justified the choice, stating, “I want Alma to do it if she can.” At the age of six, Alma prepares her own suitcase, drives to the airport, goes through security, and presents her passport. It brings her joy.

Varsano concurs with his wife’s strategy, having previously stated that “allowing our daughters to be whoever they want to be is the best thing we can give them.”

Rejecting Full-Time Nannies

In Hollywood, being a busy celebrity parent usually entails having a live-in nanny full-time. But ever since their first kid was born in 2011, Gadot and Varsano have steadfastly refused to accept regular daycare assistance.

In a 2015 interview, Gadot stated, “Yaron and I never had a nanny or a babysitter for Alma; we didn’t want to miss a thing.” “I can be free when she’s free because I get to set my own hours right now.”

Given that they now have three kids, it goes without saying that Gadot and Varsano occasionally accept assistance from verified babysitters or family members in order to enjoy the occasional date night.

Nevertheless, they continue to make every effort to reduce outside care. In 2018, Gadot stated, “Alma can sleep over at her grandmother’s house now that she’s older, where she gets spoiled completely rotten.” “Yaron and I really want to watch our girls ourselves, so most of the time, we have no one else doing it.”

Despite their busy schedules, their insistence on being hands-on parents whenever possible shows how committed they are to being involved in their girls’ lives. Many famous parents choose the easy route of hiring 24-hour nannies, but Gadot and Varsano make it obvious that they value spending quality time as a family.

Promoting a Positive Body Image

Hollywood’s views on female appearances and body image are nuanced. As a former model turned A-list actress, Gadot is acutely aware of the unrealistic beauty standards women in the public eye face on a daily basis.

That’s why she and Varsano work hard to promote positive body image and self-esteem in their daughters from an early age.

In an interview with Parents Latina, Gadot revealed she never talks about dieting or weight in front of her girls. “In our home, it’s not even a problem,” she remarked. “First and foremost, don’t criticise your body in front of them.”

Varsano accepts the way his wife thinks. Not a single person in the home ever brings up dieting. We don’t diet ourselves either,” he told Glamour.

The couple also emphasizes internal qualities over external looks when talking to their daughters. “It’s important for us to compliment Alma not only on her appearance but also on her personality, her smarts, her skills,” said Gadot. “We maintain equilibrium.”

Above all, Gadot and Varsano want to shield their girls from distorted beauty standards for as long as possible. While the red carpet requires Wonder Woman to don skintight leather and high heels, at home she’s happy to let her daughters lounge in comfy clothes without worrying about appearances.

Letting kids express themselves through fashion — even if the outfits don’t quite match — is another way the couple promotes body positivity. “If Alma wants to wear a princess dress, she wears a princess dress,” said Gadot. “If tomorrow she wants to be a monkey, she wears monkey pajamas to school. She can do whatever she wants; we don’t control her image.”

Limiting Screen Time

In the digital age, monitoring a child’s screen time is a challenge every parent faces. But Gadot and Varsano take a particularly strict stance when it comes to limiting their daughters’ access to phones, tablets, and TV.

“Our children don’t have iPads or phones, and as parents we are very careful with screen time,” said Gadot in an interview with Parents Latina magazine in 2021.

Varsano added that during quarantine, with everyone stuck at home, they had to loosen the rules a bit. “It was challenging, especially in the beginning when schools were closed,” he said. “We allowed more screen time for our girls than we would have liked.”

But he emphasized that they still tried to maintain boundaries and not allow unlimited virtual entertainment. “We made sure screen time didn’t turn into an addiction,” Varsano explained, saying they incorporated other enriching activities like family workouts, games, and educational projects.

Even Gadot’s mother got in on the limited screen time act when watching the kids. “My mom plays a big role; she only lets them watch TV one hour a day,” said Gadot appreciatively.

By vigilantly monitoring media consumption and emphasizing non-digital forms of play and learning, Gadot and Varsano hope to raise tech-savvy girls who don’t rely on virtual worlds for entertainment or self-worth.

Keeping Their Kids Out of the Spotlight

Being the child of a superstar like Gadot comes with a lot of opportunities — and also a lot of pitfalls. Recognizing both the privileges and pressures of growing up in the public eye, Gadot and Varsano go to great lengths to give their daughters as normal a childhood as possible.

A key part of that is shielding them from the spotlight and keeping their lives private. While the actress will occasionally post family photos on Instagram, she never shows the girls’ faces or discloses too many personal details.

“My daughters are my treasure. Who they become and what they believe is who I am. I’d kill and die for them,” said Gadot in an interview with People. “They deserve a chance to live their lives without being scrutinized or labelled.”

Varsano agrees wholeheartedly with his wife’s stance. “Being in the public eye is a part of our jobs. But our children didn’t choose to be in the public eye,” he told Entertainment Tonight. “We feel they should have their privacy and make their own choices about what kind of public profile they want to have when they grow up.”

The couple also emphasizes that their daughters’ worth has nothing to do with their mother’s celebrity status. “My children don’t see me as Wonder Woman or an actress,” Gadot told Glamour magazine. “They see me as mom.”

Keeping Hollywood at arm’s length allows the girls to find their own identities and passions without constant comparisons to their superstar mom. Letting them make their own choices about privacy is another way Gadot and Varsano buck convention in their parenting approach.

Encouraging Self-Expression

As a former Miss Israel pageant winner turned action heroine, Gadot knows all too well that women often feel pressure to fit into neat, feminine stereotypes. That’s why she and Varsano strive to teach their daughters not to limit themselves based on traditional gender roles.

In a 2020 interview with InStyle, Gadot revealed how her willingness to let her girls be themselves makes her an unconventional parent by Hollywood standards.

“A lot of times with Maya, people think she’s a boy because she has short hair,” said Gadot. “I don’t correct them. I don’t care if they think she’s a boy. She’s a girl who has short hair and loves to wear shorts. And that’s it.”

Varsano echoed the sentiment that they never force their daughters to play with certain toys, dress a certain way, or avoid acting too “boyish.”

“If they want to run around and get dirty, they do that,” he said in an interview with Glamour. “We have all kinds of toys around the house. Cars, dolls, makeup. We let them explore freely. Girls can be girly girls and tough tomboys.”

Letting kids forge their own interests and identity — even if it defies gender norms — is an essential part of Gadot and Varsano’s parenting philosophy. They want to raise girls who feel comfortable marching to the beat of their own drums.

Fostering a Strong Sisterly Bond

Parenting high-profile actress Gal Gadot’s kids comes with all kinds of glitz and privilege. But she and Varsano work hard to keep their family grounded — especially when it comes to nurturing a close bond between their daughters.

“It’s important for us that our girls really get along well,” said Gadot in a Today Show interview. “They help each other; they play together. Maya is always holding Daniella’s hand. When Daniella joined our family, we wanted Alma to feel empowered and to have this sense of responsibility.”

Little things like having the older girls select toys to gift Daniella and giving them small childcare tasks has helped them embrace their new big sister roles.

Varsano says he’s proud of the loving dynamic their daughters have developed. “They all get along so well. It makes me emotional to see them cuddling and hugging each other,” he told Entertainment Tonight. “They have this amazing thing between them that we could only hope for.”

The family also makes an effort to have regular bonding time with activities like movie nights, cooking, sibling crafts, and bedtime reading. Minimizing outside help enables lots of organic sister interactions.

“Family time is the most important thing for us,” said Gadot in an interview with Glamour magazine. “Having help around means family time gets cut short. We’d much rather spend time together.”

Showing their girls that sisterhood is precious clearly matters to Gadot and Varsano. Despite demanding careers, they carve out space for their daughters to laugh, play, and grow alongside each other.

Maintaining Work-Life Balance

It’s no secret that Gadot’s acting career is grueling. With blockbusters like Wonder Woman and Red Notice, she’s often on film sets for months on end pulling long hours.

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance under those conditions is incredibly difficult. But Gadot credits her husband for making their unconventional setup succeed.

“When Yaron and I had Alma, we decided together that I would keep on working and he would retire from his business and stay home with her,” explained Gadot in an interview with Elle magazine. “He’s been my biggest supporter and an amazing father.”

Varsano admits shifting to being a stay-at-home dad while his globetrotting wife works was an adjustment. “I completely changed everything in my life to support her,” he told Glamour.

Yet he believes wholeheartedly in Gadot’s career. “I’m so proud of what she’s achieving,” said Varsano. “I feel like I’m part of it even though I’m at home with the girls.”

Even while apart, the couple strives to make their daughters the priority. Gadot video chats with the family every day from set. “Wherever I go, my family comes first,” she said. “I do everything I can to spend time with them between takes.”

During long location shoots, Varsano and the girls often visit so Gadot can bond with her daughters despite her hectic schedule. Her willingness to balance filming with quality family time shows her devotion.

The Takeaway

When it comes to parenting, Gal Gadot and Yaron Varsano clearly march to the beat of their own drum. From flying solo at six to avoiding nannies, their approach is decidedly hands-on and high involvement compared to many celebrity parents.

By promoting independence, healthy body image, limited screens, and self-expression — while shielding them from the spotlight and fostering sisterly bonds — Gadot and Varsano raise daughters who are self-assured, resilient, and family-focused. Their willingness to flout convention and maintain work-life balance gives their girls room to blossom into strong individuals.

There’s no one-size-fits-all parenting approach, but Gadot and Varsano’s commitment to open-minded and mindful child-rearing provides inspiration. In the end, their alternative methods seem designed to gift their daughters the greatest privilege of all — the freedom to shape their own journeys.

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