US and Philippine “provocative military activities” in the South China Sea are criticized by China

Updated at 4:50 p.m., Beijing, China On Thursday, when both sides conducted drills in the disputed South China Sea, China denounced what it considered as “provocative” actions by the US and its ally, the Philippines.

This week, amid increased tensions involving the US ally the Philippines, Chinese and American warships engaged in competitive drills in international waters.

The People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Southern Theater Command in Beijing announced on Wednesday that “routine patrols” in the sea were being conducted by its navy and air force during a two-day deployment that is set to conclude today.

It did not specify the precise location of the patrols or provide particulars regarding the objectives of the drills.

They happened as the US announced that the Philippine Navy was participating in two days of maneuvers with an aircraft carrier strike group led by the USS Carl Vinson.

“Provocative military activities” with the intention of “flaunting their military might” were denounced by Beijing.

Wang Wenbin, a spokesman for the foreign ministry, declared that the exercises were “detrimental to management and control of the maritime situation and related disputes”.

“We urge relevant countries to stop their irresponsible actions and earnestly respect the efforts of countries in the region to maintain peace and stability in the South China Sea,” he stated.

He assured that Beijing will “continue to firmly safeguard its maritime rights and interests” as well as its territorial sovereignty.

Beijing has disregarded an international tribunal’s decision that its claims lack legal support and continues to assert its claims over nearly the whole South China Sea.

In order to bolster its claims, it has constructed artificial islands and militarized them. It also sends boats out to patrol the heavily traveled river.

Although Beijing’s navy conducted “routine” training in late November, military drills are not unusual, with China normally using its coast guard to enforce its claims in the region.

CCTV, the official Chinese broadcaster, captured footage of what Beijing referred to as a “live fire drill” in which planes flew over the ocean and one of them fired a missile.

demonstrating presence
The exercises this week come after a month of violent standoffs between China and the Philippines over disputed reefs in the region, which resulted in a collision between Chinese ships firing water cannons at Philippine boats and vessels from both countries.

Beijing aims to transform the South China Sea “into a Chinese-controlled waterway and a strategic chokepoint for other countries,” according to an expert who spoke with AFP.

“A crucial defensive area for China is emerging in the South China Sea,” stated Michael Raska, an expert on military affairs and assistant professor at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore.

He added that Beijing is strengthening its capacity to “project presence and influence in the sea” by testing “reconnaissance and surveillance” in the region.

According to Duan Dang, a maritime analyst specializing in the South China Sea who is based in Vietnam, “China routinely dispatches warships to shadow US aircraft carriers in the South China Sea and to monitor multilateral military activities in the region, but the public announcement of such an exercise is very rare.”

“Strong actions”
China’s foreign ministry said Manila had “reneged on its words, changed its policy, infringed on China’s sovereignty and made provocations again and again and triggered complex situations” as part of Beijing’s insistence that the Philippines was to blame for the recent uptick in tensions.

Speaking on behalf of the ministry, Mao Ning stated on December 29 that “China will take resolute measures against any violation of our sovereignty and provocation, and firmly safeguard our territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests.”

The exercises this week also come after Beijing appointed Dong Jun, a former navy chief and Southern Theater Command deputy commander, as its minister of defense.

Chinese political analyst Sheena Chestnut Greitens told AFP that Dong’s prior experience in “important areas of military tension” and as a naval official might have contributed to his advancement.

“He has operational experience and background in the challenges presented by Taiwan, the South China Sea and the East China Sea,” she stated.

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