VP Sara Challenges Excessive Force in Warrant Service Against Quiboloy

Manila, June 15, 2024 — Vice President Sara Duterte has raised concerns over what she describes as the excessive use of force by law enforcement during the recent service of an arrest warrant against Pastor Apollo Quiboloy. The incident, which took place earlier this week, has sparked a nationwide debate on law enforcement practices and the treatment of high-profile individuals.

Details of the Incident

On June 13, law enforcement officers executed an arrest warrant for Quiboloy at his residence in Davao City. Quiboloy, the founder of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ and a known ally of former President Rodrigo Duterte, is facing charges including human trafficking and financial fraud. Witnesses reported that heavily armed officers forcibly entered the premises, leading to a tense standoff.

Vice President’s Statement

Vice President Sara Duterte, in a statement released today, condemned the manner in which the warrant was served. “While the law must be upheld and justice served, the methods employed should be proportionate and respectful of human rights. The excessive force used in the operation against Pastor Quiboloy was unnecessary and alarming,” she stated.

Duterte called for a thorough investigation into the conduct of the officers involved and urged for a review of protocols to prevent such incidents in the future. She emphasized the need for law enforcement to balance their duty with respect for individual rights, especially in sensitive cases involving prominent figures.

Public Reaction

The public reaction to the Vice President’s comments has been mixed. Supporters of Quiboloy and Duterte praised her for standing up against what they see as an overreach of police authority. “VP Sara is right to question this brutality. We need to ensure that justice is pursued fairly,” said one Davao City resident.

However, critics argue that the Vice President’s stance might undermine the efforts of law enforcement agencies. “Excessive force should be condemned, but we must also support our police in their challenging job of arresting powerful individuals accused of serious crimes,” said a political analyst in Manila.

Law Enforcement Response

The Philippine National Police (PNP) defended the operation, stating that the measures taken were necessary due to concerns about potential resistance and the high-risk nature of the arrest. “The safety of our officers and the public is paramount. We acted within the bounds of the law and standard operating procedures,” said a PNP spokesperson.

Next Steps

The Department of Justice has announced an internal review of the arrest operation to address the concerns raised by Vice President Duterte. Meanwhile, Quiboloy’s legal team has filed a formal complaint against the PNP, alleging human rights violations and seeking redress for the damages caused during the arrest.


The incident involving the arrest of Pastor Apollo Quiboloy and the subsequent criticism from Vice President Sara Duterte highlights the ongoing challenges in balancing law enforcement practices with respect for human rights. As the investigation proceeds, it remains to be seen how this will impact public perception of law enforcement and the broader political landscape in the Philippines.

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