Roque Hits Back: Files Counter Affidavit Against Trillanes’ Libel Claims

June 23, 2024 – Former Presidential Spokesperson Harry Roque has filed a counter affidavit in response to the cyberlibel and libel complaints lodged by former Senator Antonio Trillanes IV. This move adds another layer to the high-profile legal clash between the two political figures.

In a statement on Sunday, Roque disclosed that on June 18, he requested the Quezon City Prosecutor’s Office to dismiss Trillanes’ libel charges, citing a lack of probable cause. Roque also filed a counter-charge against Trillanes for violations of RA 3019, the “Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act,” and RA 6713, the “Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees.”

Roque accused Trillanes of “betraying the public trust” during his 2012 backchannel negotiations with Chinese officials. “As a public figure, Trillanes should not have been onion-skinned in reacting to my criticisms of his conduct in his backchannel mission to China,” Roque stated. He emphasized that his livestream discussed matters of public interest, such as sovereignty and sovereign rights, which should be protected from libel judgments.

The dispute began on May 14 when Trillanes filed charges against Roque and vlogger Byron Cristobal, also known as Banat By, along with other personalities. Trillanes’ complaint cited a video posted by Roque on Facebook, where he accused Trillanes of conceding the Scarborough Shoal to China. Cristobal had played Roque’s remarks in his video, expressing agreement with the statements.

In his counter affidavit, Roque claimed that Trillanes violated the 1987 Constitution and Senate rules, stating, “The Complainant allowed himself to be persuaded, induced, or influenced to violate the 1987 Constitution and the rules of the Senate. The negotiation was grossly disadvantageous to the government.” He further criticized Trillanes for failing to uphold the standards of nationalism, patriotism, and commitment to democracy, in violation of RA 6713.

As the legal proceedings continue, both sides are preparing for an intense courtroom battle. The Department of Justice has yet to schedule a hearing for the counter affidavit, and the outcome of this case is anticipated to have significant implications for the political and legal landscape in the Philippines.

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