LP Applauds Robredo’s Bold Move: Opts Out of Senate Race

June 23, 2024: LP Backs Robredo’s Decision to Pursue Local Leadership in Naga City

In a noteworthy development, the Liberal Party (LP) of the Philippines has publicly supported former Vice President Leni Robredo’s recent decision to forgo a Senate run in the upcoming 2025 elections. Instead, Robredo has announced her candidacy for mayor of Naga City, a move that has generated significant buzz and conversation within political circles and the general public.

Robredo, who is currently the chairman of the Angat Buhay nongovernment organization, made this announcement during a televised interview. “After much deliberation and consultation with my family and colleagues, I have decided to run for mayor of Naga City. My focus remains on the grassroots initiatives and community programs that we have started,” Robredo stated.

The LP leadership, including party president Senator Francis Pangilinan, expressed their full support for Robredo’s decision. “Leni’s commitment to serving the Filipino people is unwavering. While we would have welcomed her candidacy for the Senate, we respect her choice and are proud of her continuous efforts to uplift communities,” Pangilinan said.

In an official statement, the LP emphasized their admiration for Robredo’s leadership and dedication. “We wish her success and triumph in whatever direction she chooses. We will always look up to her, not just as an excellent leader, but as an inspiration in facing challenges and responding to the needs of our fellow countrymen. We have no doubt that whatever path of service she chooses, she will do so with excellence and care for the Philippines and Filipinos.”

Party president Edcel Lagman also commented on the speculation surrounding Robredo’s potential Senate run, clarifying that she had opted for a local leadership role instead. “Robredo’s name was considered for a senatorial run, but she has chosen to focus on serving the people of Naga City directly,” Lagman said.

Robredo’s decision has elicited varied reactions from political analysts and the public. Some view it as a strategic move, allowing her to concentrate on her advocacy and potential future political endeavors. Others speculate it could signal a shift in the political landscape, given her significant influence and following.

As the 2025 elections approach, the LP faces the challenge of recalibrating its strategy and identifying strong candidates to maintain its influence in the Senate. Meanwhile, Robredo’s supporters have taken to social media to express their admiration, with hashtags like #SalamatLeni and #AngatBuhay trending, showcasing the strong support and appreciation for her leadership.

With the political landscape continually evolving, Robredo’s move underscores her enduring influence and the significant impact of her work beyond traditional political roles. As she continues to champion the causes close to her heart, many are eager to see what the future holds for one of the most respected figures in Philippine politics.


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