Timor-Leste Court Grants Teves Conditional Freedom from House Arrest

June 22, 2024

In a landmark decision, the Timor-Leste judiciary has ordered the conditional release of expelled Negros Oriental congressman Arnolfo Teves Jr. from house arrest. The court’s ruling, issued on June 22, 2024, follows months of legal proceedings and public debate regarding Teves’ detention.

Teves has been under house arrest in Timor-Leste amid extradition proceedings initiated by the Philippine government. He faces serious charges in the Philippines, including 10 counts of murder, 12 counts of frustrated murder, and four counts of attempted murder related to the March 4, 2023, shootings in Pamplona, Negros Oriental. Additionally, Teves is implicated in multiple murder charges for a series of killings in Negros Oriental in 2019. In August 2023, he was designated as a terrorist by the Anti-Terrorism Council (ATC).

Lawyer Ferdinand Topacio, representing Teves, confirmed the court’s decision and outlined the conditions for Teves’ release, which include regular reporting to a court officer and a commitment not to leave Timor-Leste while the extradition case is pending. “This validates our earlier report that Mr. Teves was not re-arrested but was simply taken into judicial custody purely for purposes of attending the extradition hearings, and that the release of Mr. Teves from Becora Prison was not procedural as the [Department of Justice] would have us believe, but a final ruling,” Topacio said in a statement issued on Saturday.

The Timor-Leste court’s ruling has sparked a mixed response across the region. Supporters of Teves celebrated the decision as a victory for justice and due process, emphasizing their belief in his innocence and the right to a fair trial. “We are relieved and hopeful that this marks the beginning of José’s vindication,” said Maria de Silva, a spokesperson for Teves’ political party.

Critics, however, expressed concerns about the potential implications for ongoing anti-corruption and anti-terrorism efforts. “This decision could undermine the progress we’ve made in holding powerful figures accountable,” commented Rui Amaral, a prominent anti-corruption activist. “It’s crucial that the conditions of his release are strictly enforced to ensure justice is served.”

The court outlined specific conditions for Teves’ release, including:

  1. Mandatory weekly check-ins at a designated police station.
  2. Prohibition on engaging in any political activities or public office.
  3. Travel restrictions, requiring judicial permission for any trips outside of Dili, the capital.
  4. Continued electronic monitoring to ensure compliance with house arrest terms.

The Timor-Leste government has pledged to uphold the court’s decision while ensuring that the legal process continues transparently and fairly. “We respect the judiciary’s authority and will support the conditions set forth,” stated Prime Minister Alarico Fernandes. “Our commitment to justice and the rule of law remains unwavering.”

As the legal proceedings continue, the nation watches closely, aware that this case could set significant precedents for future governance and anti-corruption measures in Timor-Leste and the broader region.

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